
The 6 Incredible Benefits of Thermography

The 6 Incredible Benefits of Thermography Overview You’re curious about thermography/thermogram/thermograph images and the efficiency of one of today’s newest and hottest diagnostic tools in medicine. But what is this new technology? Thermogram is a medical imaging technique that uses infrared radiation to detect and produce an image of body tissues. To simplify that definition,...CONTINUE READING
Category:Personal Care

Top 8 Essential Oils for balancing Cholesterol Levels

The Top 8 Essential Oils for balancing Cholesterol Levels Overview Cholesterol, though thoroughly badmouthed in recent years, is actually necessary for various biological functions. It is an essential component of cell membranes and plays a critical role in the working of the immune system, circulatory system, nervous system, and endocrine system. It is also used...CONTINUE READING
bug bites

The Top 8 Essential Oils for Bug Bites

The Top 8 Essential Oils for Bug Bites Overview Bug bites and bee stings are painful realities of the summer season. When insects sting, they inject their venom or saliva into our skin, which activates the immune system and triggers local inflammation. This causes redness, formation of bumps, irritation, itching, and pain. Fortunately, there is...CONTINUE READING
muscle aches

The Top 8 Essential Oils for Muscle Aches (And How to Use Them)

Top 8 Essential Oils for Muscle Aches (And How to Use Them) Overview Sore muscles and muscle aches are painfully common for fitness enthusiasts and desk workers alike. While performing a physical exercise or as a result of prolonged pressure, some muscle fibers may get damaged and cause an inflammatory reaction, usually appearing as aches...CONTINUE READING
common cold

The Top 8 Essential Oils for The Common Cold

The Top 8 Essential Oils for The Common Cold Overview Common cold is mainly caused by respiratory viruses – which may spread from one infected person to others through close contact. Its usual symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, congestions, headaches, coughing, sneezing, and body aches. Though colds are not life-threatening, and most people recover...CONTINUE READING
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